at home and abroad

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at home and abroad

更新时间:2025-03-10 22:49:44

英 [æt həum ænd əˈbrɔ:d]

美 [æt hom ənd əˈbrɔd]

at home and abroad基本解释

国内外; 中外


  • 网络解释

1. 国内外:as well as 也,又 | at home and abroad 国内外 | belong to 属于

2. 在国内外:11. in the past sixteen years 在过去的十六年里 | 12. at home and abroad 在国内外 | 13. pay for 付款

3. 在国内和国外:his original style and approach to designing furniture他原来的风格和家具设计方法 | make him one of korea's most revered designers,使他一举成为韩国最受尊敬的设计师... | at home and abroad.在国内和国外.

4. 国内外的:4、 安全示范:safety domonstrations | 5、 国内外的:at home and abroad | 6、 毫无疑问:without doubt

  • 临近词
The new factories will make goods to meet rising demand at home and abroad.(新工厂将满足国内外增长的物质需求。)
Some people, at home and abroad, would take those freedoms from us.(有些国内和国外的人,想从我们身上夺走自由。)
But thousands of startups and small businesses are trying to crack the markets developing at home and abroad.(成千上万的创业公司和小企业正在努力破解国内国外市场。)
I am used to reading China Daily every morning, as it can keep me informed of the present events both at home and abroad.(我习惯每天早晨看《中国日报》,因为它能让我了解国内外的时事。)
Our product command a good market both at home and abroad.(我们的产品在国内外市场上都很畅销。)
She gives frequent performances of her work, both at home and abroad.(她经常在国内外演出自己的作品。)
So companies have to cultivate customer loyalty both at home and abroad.(因此公司必须在中国内地和海外两个市场中培养客户对品牌的忠诚度。)
The summer began with good news at home and abroad.(夏天开始的时候,国内外都有些好消息。)
Both at home and abroad, Chinese tea brands struggle to compete with foreign competitors.(无论是在国内还是在国外,中国的茶叶品牌都难以与国外竞争者相抗衡。)
Over the years, however, General Musharraf has squandered the goodwill he enjoyed at home and abroad.(然而几年来,穆萨拉夫浪费了国内外对他的良好意愿。)
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